Sometimes, my husband Alex brings a box of doughnut when he happens to pass by our favorite doughnut shop. A sugar coated twist is my favorite and a chocolate covered confetti is my girls’ favorite. One day, that pink doughnut box looked pretty charming for my crafty eye.Continue Reading

Yesterday we went to Jamba Juice and enjoyed their smoothies and sugar waffles. Each waffle were served in a brown bag. I liked it’s double wrapping and color. Those bags were too good to be trashed. As soon as I got home, I kept thinking what shouldl I do withContinue Reading

I save almost everything; fabric scraps, paper pieces, old magazines, old clothes……therefore organization is always no.1 on my to-do list. Yesterday I decided not to make anything (in other words, not to make any mess.) and start cleaning. As I wiped out my work station, I remembered these bottle stampContinue Reading